treeoflights.jpgThe tree of lights celebration is fun for the whole family!

Join in the fun with musical entertainment, holidays crafts for the children, cookies, hot chocolate & treats for the family, pictures with Father Christmas.

All proceeds from the 2008 Tree of Lights Campaign will be directed toward Critical Care Services at the St. Catharines General Site.

What is the Tree of Lights Campaign?

* The TOL campaign has been one of the most successful fundraising initiatives for the Foundation, raising over $1.1 million in its 22 year history.

* These funds have been used to purchase urgently needed patient care equipment for departments including the Operating Room, Emergency Room, ICU and Pediatrics at the St. Catharines General Site.

* Every year the grounds of Thorold Fire Hall and St. Catharines City Hall are illuminated, with each light on the “Tree of Lights” representing a donation made in honour or in memory of someone special.

* Each year the top strand of lights is dedicated to those who have made a difference in their community.


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